Scyliorhinus stellaris

(Linnaeus, 1758)

Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Scyliorhinidae

Reference of the original description
Linné, C. (1758)
Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae, regnum animale, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus differentiis synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Stockholm, Laurentii Salvii, 824pp.

Image of the original description
No image in first description.

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Catulus stellaris, Galeus stellaris, Poroderma stellare, Scylliorhinus catulus, Scylliorhinus stellare, Scylliorhinus stellaris, Scyllium acanthonotum, Scyllium catulus, Scyllium stellare, Scyllium stellaris, Scyllium stellarius, Squalus stellario, Squalus stellaris

Scyliorhinus stellaris
Neotype: BMNH: 1976.7.30.10;
Scyllium acanthonotum
XXXX: no types known;
Scyllium catulus
XXXX: No types known;

Images of types

Description :

Citation: Scyliorhinus stellaris (Linnaeus, 1758): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Scyliorhinus stellaris (Linnaeus, 1758), neotype, NHMUK 1976.7.30.10, male, 476 mm TL (Banyuls, Pyrenees, France). A, dorsal view; B, lateral view. Scale bar = 20 mm © Karla A. Soares, Laboratório de Ictiologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo
Common names
deu \(T\) Großer Katzenhai, deu \(T\) Großgefleckter Katzenhai, deu \(T\) Hundshai, deu \(T\) Katzenhai, deu \(T\) Pantherhai, spa Alitán, spa Breka, spa Cazó nazopado, spa Gat, spa Gat vayre, spa Gata, spa Gatet, spa Gato marino, spa Gatvayra, spa Gatún, spa Lija, spa Lixa, spa Moma, spa Momarra, spa Muxina, spa Patarroxa, spa Pintarroja, spa Pitarrosa, spa Renuda, fra \(T\) Chat-rochier, fra \(T\) Gat rouquin, fra \(T\) Grande roussette, fra \(T\) Roussette, fra \(T\) Roussette à grandes taches, eng Bull huss, eng Dogfish, eng Flake, eng Flake catfish, eng Greate-spotted dogfish, eng Greater spotted dogfish, eng Hound, eng Large-spotted dogfish, eng Larger spotted dogfish, eng Nurse, eng Nurse-hound, eng Nursehound, eng Rigg, ita Attupardu, ita Barbe, ita Barde, ita Diobarda, ita Gata nostrana, ita Gata sciava, ita Gatta d"argua, ita Gattopardo, ita Gattu di mari, ita Gattu steddari, ita Gattubardu, ita Gattuccio, ita Gattuccio maggiore, ita Gattucia, ita Gattupardu, ita Gattuso, ita Grande rosetta, ita Jattaredda, ita Jattefarre, ita Jattolla, ita Jattupaddu "i rocca, ita Jattuparda, ita Jattupardu, ita Labardu, ita Liobardo, ita Sgatto, ita Squalo gattopardo, por Gata, por Pata-roxa-gata, por Pata-roxa-grande, por Patarroxa-gata, por Patarroxa-grande, Gattarell tar-Rukkal (malta)

Short Description
Diagnosis after Compagno, 1984 [517]: Field Marks : A large, fairly stocky, catshark with large and small black spots and sometimes white spots covering dorsal surface, saddle markings obsolete, small anterior nasal flaps that do not reach mouth, no nasoral grooves, labial furrows on lower jaw only, second dorsal fin much smaller than first. Diagnostic Features : Head and body moderately broad. Greatest width of head about 2/3 of head length; no nasoral grooves; anterior nasal. flaps not expanded and falling just short of mouth. First dorsal origin opposite pelvic insertions; second dorsal origin well anterior to anal insertion; interdorsal space subequal or less than anal base. Denticles fairly large and semierect, surface of skin relatively rough. Colour pattern of numerous small and large black spots sometimes interspersed with white spots, the large spots often irregular, subangular, and sometimes expanded into large blotches that may totally cover the body in some individuals; saddle markings indistinct or absent. Size large, adults to 1.6 m.

Balearic and Tyrrhenian Seas, in the continental shelves of Italy, Tunisia, France and Spain, with two records in the Adriatic Sea close to Venice, Italy, and Rovinj, Croatia. Also found along the Northeastern Atlantic in the continental shelves of Portugal, France and the United Kingdom, as well as one record for the North Sea (55ºN, 3ºE). No records exist from northwestern Africa [27296] Source:

Human uses
fisheries: minor commercial; aquarium: public aquariums; price category: medium; price reliability: reliable: based on ex-vessel price for this species

Oviparous, with a single egg per oviduct [517]. Embryos feed solely on yolk [733]. Size at hatching about 16 cm [517].

Size / Weight / Age
190 cm TL (male/unsexed; [27296]); max. reported age: 19 years (Ref. 72467)

reef-associated; marine; depth range 1 - 400 m [17657], usually 20 - 63 m [517]

Monognathic heterodonty gradual well developed; anterior teeth abruptly larger than the parasymphysial ones and lateral teeth smaller distally, with smaller and thicker principal cusps (Fig. 73). Sexual heterodonty pronounced with females presenting shorter principal cusp and more developed cusplets than males. Tooth counts 20–26 16–25/16–25 0–1 16–24. Parasymphysial teeth with a principal cusp flanked by one cusplet on each side; cusplets half the height and the width of the principal cusp. Protuberances on medial portion of the crown base and striae restricted to the crown base. Anterior teeth larger than the parasymphysial and principal cusp less stout. Anterior teeth with two to four cusplets; marginal cusplets poorly developed and 1/3 the height of proximal cusplets in upper teeth and poorly developed in lower teeth. Proximal cusplets 1/3 the height and the width of the principal cusp in teeth in both jaws. Protuberances on the crown base and striae extending to one half the height of crown. Lateral teeth with three cusplets; principal cusp slightly oblique, two cusplets at the mesial edge and one at the distal edge. Mesial proximal and distal cusplets one halt to 2/3 the height of the principal cusp; mesial marginal cusplet half the height of proximal one. Protuberances on the crown base and striae running from base toward the apex of the principal cusp. Commissural teeth with two cusplets; principal cusp stronger and laterally situated. Cusplets 2/3 the height and the width of the principal cusp. Protuberances on the crown base and striae throughout the crown. Ectodermal pits present in lateral and commissural teeth, restricted to the crown base. [27296]

shark-references Species-ID=6363;

Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
  • Goussia lucida Lom & Dyková, 1982 [32027]

  • Lernaeopoda galei Krøyer, 1837 [16609]

  • Ceratothoa oxyrrynchaena (Koelbel, 1878) [23898]
  • Conilera cylindracea (Montagu, 1804) [23898]