Mustelus manazo

Bleeker, 1854

Starspotted smooth-hound
Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Triakidae

Reference of the original description
Bleeker, P. (1854)
Faunae ichthyologicae japonicae. Species Novae. Natuurkundig Tijdschrift voor Nederlandsch Indië, 6, 395–426

Image of the original description
No image in first description.

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Cynias manazo, Galeorhinus manazo, Mustelus cf. manazo, Mustelus monazo, Myrmillo manazo

Mustelus manazo
Syntype: RMNH: 7396

Description :

Citation: Mustelus manazo Bleeker, 1854: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Mustelus manazo Bleeker, 1854, © FAO,
Common names
spa Musola celestial, fra \(T\) Émissole étoilée, eng Gummy dogfish, eng Gummy shark, eng Japanese smooth hound, eng Spotted shark, eng Star-spotted gummy shark, eng Star-spotted shark, eng Star-spotted smooth hound, eng Starspotted smooth-hound, por Caneja

Short Description
Diagnosis after Compagno, 1984 [517]: Body fairly slender. Head short, prepectoral length 17 to 21% of total length; snout moderately long and bluntly angular in lateral view, preoral snout 5.7 to 7.5% of total length, preorbital snout 6 to 7.8% of total length; internarial space fairly narrow, 2 to 2.9% of total length; eyes large, eye length 1.7 to 2.5 times in preorbital snout and 2.4 to 4.1% of total length; interorbital space narrow, 3.7 to 4.5% of total length; mouth fairly short, about equal to eye length and 2.5 to 3.7% of total length; upper labial furrows considerably longer than lowers and 1.9 to 2.5% of total length; teeth molariform and asymmetric, with cusp reduced to a low point; buccopharyngeal denticles covering almost entire palate and floor of mouth Interdorsal space 19 to 23% of total length; trailing edges of dorsal fins denticulate, without bare ceratotrichia; first dorsal broadly triangular, with posteroventrally sloping posterior margin, its midbase closer to pelvic bases than to pectorals; pectoral fins moderate-sized, length of anterior margins 11 to 15% of total length, width of posterior margins 7.5 to 14% of total length; pelvic fins moderate-sized, anterior margin length 5.4 to 8.2% of total length; anal height 2.2 to 3.4% of total length; anal caudal space greater than second dorsal height, and 6.5 to 9% of total length; ventral caudal lobe not falcate in adults. Crowns of lateral trunk denticles lanceolate, with longitudinal ridges extending their entire length. Skeleton not hypercalcified in adults; palatoquadrates not subdivided; monospondylous precaudal centra 33 to 41, diplospondylous precaudal centra 35 to 54, precaudal centra 71 to 91. Colour uniform grey or grey-brown, above, light below, usually with numerous white spots but no dark spots or dark bars. Development ovoviviparous. Size moderate, adults 55 to 117 cm.

Western Indian Ocean: Kenya. Western Pacific: southern Siberia, Japan, Korea, China, Taiwan and Viet Nam; Chesterfield Islands [20058]. Source:

Human uses
fisheries: commercial; gamefish: yes

Ovoviviparous, embryos feed solely on yolk [733], with 1 to 22 ([2539] reports 5-14) young in a litter. Gestation period takes about 10 months [517] or 11-12 months[5571]. Young born in spring. Distinct pairing with embrace [17086]. A carnivore [17641]. Found in the intertidal zone, on mud and sand bottom, down to a depth of at least 360 m [544]. Feeds mainly on bottom invertebrates, also bony fishes [517].

Size / Weight / Age
220 cm TL (male/unsexed; (Ref. 4883)); max. published weight: 5,720 g (Ref. 40637); max. reported age: 10 years (Ref. 6081)

bathydemersal; marine; depth range ? - 360 m [544]

shark-references Species-ID=3804;

Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
  • Erpocotyle macrohystera Price, 1942 [17150]

  • Acanthobothrium karachiense Bilqees, 1980 [16261] [28741]
  • Acanthobothrium mujibi Bilqees, 1980 [16261] [28741]
  • Acanthobothrium rubrum Bilqees, 1980 [16261] [28741]
  • Calliobothrium creeveyae Butler, 1987 [21441]
  • Calliobothrium nodosum Yoshida, 1917 [16408]
  • Calliobothrium tylotocephalum Alexander, 1963 [21441]
  • Calliobothrium verticillatum (Rudolphi, 1819) [16129] [21441]
  • Cephalobothrium dierama Shipley & Hornell, 1906 [16468]
  • Clistobothrium tumidum (Linton, 1922) [16443]
  • Echinobothrium lateroporum Subhapradha, 1948 [16430] [19536]
  • Echinobothrium sp. [21441]
  • Erudituncus musteli (Yamaguti, 1952) Healy, Scholz & Caira, 2001 [16129] [16204]
  • Neolitobothrium hexalacinatum Bilqees, 1983 [16262]
  • Nybelinia manazo Yamaguti, 1952 [16129] [16112]
  • Orygmatobothrium musteli (Van Beneden, 1850) [16129]
  • Orygmatobothrium sp. [21441]
  • Orygmatobothrium versatile (Diesing, 1854) Diesing, 1863 [16129]
  • Otobothrium karachiensis Bilqees & Muslehuddin, 1975 [16112]
  • Phyllobothrium lactuca Van Beneden, 1850 [16129] [16443] [16443]
  • Phyllobothrium parvum Stossich, 1909 [16129]
  • Phyllobothrium sp. [21441]
  • Pterobothrium pearsoni (Southwell, 1929) [16112]
  • Scyphophyllidium typicum (Subhapradha, 1955) [16423] [16443]
  • Symcallio hayhowi (Nasin, Caira & Euzet, 1997) [21441]
  • Trigonolobium lancinatum (Yoshida, 1917) [16112]

  • Acanthocheilus rotundatus (Rudolphi, 1819) [19877] [21441]
  • Mooleptus rabuka (Machida, Ogawa & Okiyama, 1982) [19877]
  • Neogoezia alaetocephala Bilqees & Khanum, 1972 [17029]
  • Neogoezia aspinosa Bilqees & Khanum, 1972 [17029]
  • Neogoezia mangra Bilqees & Khanum, 1972 [17029]
  • Neogoezia multipapilla Bilqees & Khanum, 1972 [17029]
  • Neogoezia spirocaudata Bilqees & Khanum, 1972 [17029]

  • Achtheinus oblongus Wilson, 1908 [21441]
  • Driocephalus cerebrinoxius (Diebakate, Raibaut & Kabata, 1997) [19952]
  • Kroyeria lineata Van Beneden, 1853 [25053]

  • Thaumastognathia bicorniger Ota, Kurashima & Horie, 2022 [30445]