Squaliolus aliae

Teng, 1959

Smalleye pygmy shark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Squaliformes Dalatiidae

Reference of the original description
Teng, H.-T. (1959)
Studies on the elasmobranch fishes from Formosa. Part 4. Squaliolus alii, a new species of deep sea squaloid shark from Tung-Kang, Formosa. Reports of the Laboratory of Fishery Biology of the Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, 5, 69–72

Image of the original description

Squaliolus aliae Teng, 1959

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Squaliolus alii

Squaliolus aliae
Holotype: TFRI: 3837;

Description :

Citation: Squaliolus aliae Teng, 1959: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

Please send your images of "Squaliolus aliae" to info@shark-references.com

Squaliolus aliae Teng, 1959, TL 117 mm, coll.: Pacific Shark Research Center, MLML; © Digital Fish Library
Common names
eng Smalleye pigmy shark, eng Smalleye pygmy shark

Short Description
The smalleye pygmy shark, Squaliolus aliae, is a very small dogfish (about 22cm) characterized by its small eye, with diameter about 46-70% of interorbital width, and with upper margin angular and chevron-shaped; upper lip with a pair of prominent lateral papillae (rarely indistinct) [544] [1388].Colour: dark brown to black, fin margins pale [1388]. Squaliolus are the only sharks with a fin spine on its first dorsal fin (spine sometimes concealed by skin) but not on its second dorsal fin; second dorsal fin long-based and low, about twice the length of the first dorsal fin base; first dorsal-fin base closer to pectoral fins than to pelvic fins; and caudal fin nearly symmetrical, with subterminal notch present [518] [1388].

Western Pacific: Japan to Australia (off northwestern Australia and New South Wales). Source: www.gbif.org

Human uses
fisheries: of no interest

Distinct pairing with embrace [17086]. Ovoviviparous but litter size unknown [1388]. Males mature at 15 cm [544]. Possibly the smallest living shark . Found near continental and island land masses. Feeds mainly on cephalopods and small midwater bony fishes.

Size / Weight / Age
22.0 cm TL (male/unsexed; [1388])

bathypelagic; marine; depth range 200 - 2000 m [1388]

shark-references Species-ID=6674;

Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
  • Acanthobothrium katherineae Gallagher & Caira, 2020 [29278]