Scyliorhinus ugoi

Soares, Gadig & Gomes, 2015

dark freckled catshark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Scyliorhinidae

Reference of the original description
Soares, K.D.A. & Gadig, O.F.B. & Gomes, U.L. (2015)
Scyliorhinus ugoi, a new species of catshark from Brazil (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae). Zootaxa, 3937(2), 347–361

Scyliorhinus ugoi
Holotype: MNRJ: 42619; Paratype: MZUSP: 110448; MZUSP: 110449; UERJ: 1725; UERJ: 2179;

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Citation: Scyliorhinus ugoi Soares, Gadig & Gomes, 2015: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Scyliorhinus ugoi Soares, Gadig & Gomes, 2015, Scyliorhinus ugoi sp. nov, holotype, MNRJ 42619, female, 500 mm TL. A) Dorsal view. B) Lateral view; paratype, UERJ 2179, male, 419 mm TL. C) Dorsal view. D) Lateral view. Scale bar: 5 cm.; © by SOARES, K.D.A. & GADIG, O.F.B. & GOMES, U.L.
Common names
eng Dark freckled catshark

Short Description
Original Diagnosis after SOARES, GADIG & GOMES, U.L., 2015 [22413]: A southwestern Atlantic Ocean Scyliorhinus distinguished by a considerably broad head (vs. slender in the S. haeckelii/besnardi group and S. hesperius), and color pattern with brown saddles on a light brown background, predorsal saddles with anterior and posterior sharp median projections (vs. no projections in the S. haeckelii/besnardi group or S. hesperius); and light and dark, spiracle-sized or slightly smaller spots, lacking large white spots (vs. large white spots in S. hesperius). The following combination of characters also distinguishes these species: snout rounded and moderately short, preoral length 5% TL (vs. 4.5% TL in the S. haeckelii/besnardi group); preorbital length 6.4% TL and head length 20% TL (vs. 5% TL and 18% TL in S. hesperius); mouth width corresponding to 9% TL (vs. 8% TL in the S. haeckelii/besnardi group and 7.2% TL in S. hesperius); pectoral-pelvic space 1.5 times pelvic-anal space (vs. equal in the S. haeckelii/besnardi group), and interdorsal space 2.3 times dorsal-caudal space (vs. 1.6 times in S. haeckelii/besnardi group); anal-fin base 8% TL (vs. 6.7% TL in S. hesperius and 8.3% TL in the S. haeckelii/besnardi group); cranium with flat basal plate, without keels; cranial width larger in females (42.7% NL) (vs. 37.4% NL in the S. haeckelii/besnardi group); a terminal dermal cover present in hindmost portion of clasper, covering terminal cartilages (lacking in S. hesperius); medium-sized, adult male at 445 mm TL and adult female 500 mm TL (vs. 353 mm and 410 mm, respectively, for the S. haeckelii/besnardi group).

coast of the states of Rio Grande do Norte, Pernambuco, Alagoas, Bahia (northeastern Brazil), Espírito Santo, and northern Rio de Janeiro (southeastern Brazil) [22413];

Size / Weight / Age
TL maximum 630 mm TL, Males ranging in size from 419–534 mm and females from 431–630 mm [22413]

marine; depth range: 400–500 m deep [22413]

Orignal diagnosis of SOARES, K.D.A. & GADIG, O.F.B. & GOMES, U.L., 2015 [22413]:Sexual heterodonty weak; adult males presenting teeth longer with undeveloped lateral cusps on central portion of lower jaw. Upper teeth slightly higher-crowned than lower teeth, with longer, stronger transverse ridges, otherwise very similar. Medial teeth (M) and anteroposterior teeth (AN) poorly differentiated; symphysial teeth (S) with higher-crown and smaller than anteroposteriors, with erect or semi-erect cusps and one weak cusplet on either side of the cusp. Anteroposteriors in both jaws larger than medials and symphysials, with semi oblique cusps, usually one strong high cusplet on either side, longitudinal ridges confined to the basal ledges, and low, flat roots. Gradient monognathic heterodonty well-developed in anteroposterior teeth; anteroposteriors smaller distally, with thicker and more oblique cusps, and lower cusplets. Teeth in 52/49 (47–56/45–53) rows, 3/2 (2–3/2–3) functional series. Teeth not highly differentiated in upper and lower jaws or along jaws. Tooth formula: Left AN16–19 M6–8 S1 S1 M6–8 AN16–19 Right AN15–17 M6–9 M7–10 AN16–17

shark-references Species-ID=14314;