Scyliorhinus cabofriensis

Soares, Gomes & De Carvalho, 2016

Cabo Frio's Catshark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Scyliorhinidae

Reference of the original description
Soares, K.D.A. & Gomes, U.L. & de Carvalho, M.R. (2016)
Taxonomic review of catsharks of the Scyliorhinus haeckelii group, with the description of a new species (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae). Zootaxa, 4066(5), 501–534

Scyliorhinus cabofriensis
Holotype: MNRJ: 40730; Paratype: MCP: 47874; MCP: 47875; MCP: 47876; MNRJ: 40731; MNRJ: 40732; MNRJ: 40733; MZUSP: 37284; UERJ: 2042; UERJ: 2231.2; UERJ: 2231.4;

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Citation: Scyliorhinus cabofriensis Soares, Gomes & De Carvalho, 2016: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Scyliorhinus cabofriensis Soares, Gomes & De Carvalho, 2016, A: lateral view of holotype (MNRJ 40730, female, 395 mm TL); B: dorsal view of holotype; C: lateral view of paratype (MNRJ 40731, immature female, 285 mm TL); D: dorsal view of paratype in C. Scale bar = 5 cm © Karla A. Soares, Laboratório de Ictiologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo
Common names
eng Cabo Frio's Catshark

Short Description
Original Diagnosis after SOARES, GOMES & DE CARVALHO, 2016 [23708]: A southwestern Atlantic Scyliorhinus species distinguished by its color pattern composed of randomly and asymmetrically distributed black and white spots of varied sizes (but predominantly small) (vs. spots predominantly within saddles and with approximate bilateral symmetry in S. haeckelii and in S. ugoi); saddles not well defined and without sharp median projections (vs. well-defined saddles in S. haeckelii and saddles with sharp median projections in S. ugoi); claspers with a well-developed groove on the terminal portion of the ventral terminal cartilage (vs. lacking groove or an undeveloped groove in S. haeckelii and S. ugoi); envelope absent and exorhipidion poorly developed (vs. envelope present and exorhipidion developed in S. haeckelii); and neurocranium with a proportionately broader basal plate (vs. narrow basal plate in S. haeckelii and in S. ugoi). The following combination of characters, although less conspicuous, also distinguishes these species: snout rounded and small, mean of preoral length 5% TL (vs. mean 4.5% TL in S. haeckelii); head moderately broad and depressed, its length 19.7–20.8% TL (vs. 17.5–19.2% TL in S. haeckelii); first dorsal fin triangular, never subrectangular (vs. sometimes subrectangular in S. haeckelii); interdorsal space two times dorsal-caudal space (vs. 1.2–2 times in S. haeckelii and 2.1–2.5 in S. ugoi); ventral terminal 2 cartilage slender and positioned on ventral terminal cartilage, its length 1.5 times length of ventral terminal cartilage (vs. 1.8 times in S. haeckelii); components of clasper proportionately larger than in S. haeckelii; somewhat small sized adult males, at about 393 mm TL, and adult females, at least 420 mm TL (vs. 445 mm and 500 mm TL, respectively, in S. ugoi).

only off the northeastern coast of the state of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil [23708]

Size / Weight / Age
Males: 308–468 mm (n = 8); females: 276–450 mm (n = 16) [23708]

marine: 536 m in dept

Teeth morphologically similar in both jaws; tooth count 53/46 (45–58/44–50) rows, in 3/3 (2–3/2–3) functional series (Tab. 2). Sexual heterodonty weak; adult males presenting longer teeth and undeveloped lateral cusps on central portion of lower jaw. Upper teeth with slightly higher crowns than lower teeth, and with longer, stronger transverse ridges. Medial teeth and poorly differentiated symphysial teeth with higher crowns but smaller than anteroposteriors, with erect or semi-erect cusps and one weak cusplet on either side of main cusp. Anteroposteriors in both jaws larger than medials and symphysials, with semi-oblique cusps, usually with one high cusplet on either side, with strong basal ledges and grooves, longitudinal ridges confined to the basal ledges, and low, flat roots. Gradient monognathic heterodonty well-developed in anteroposterior teeth; anteroposteriors smaller distally, with thicker and more oblique cusps and lower cusplets. [23708]

shark-references Species-ID=14543;