Scoliodon macrorhynchos

(Bleeker, 1852)

Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Carcharhinidae

Reference of the original description
Bleeker, P. (1852)
Bijdrage tot de kennis der Plagiostomen van den Indischen Archipel. Verhandelingen van het Bataviaasch Genootschap van Kunsten en Wetenschappen, 24(art. 12): 1–92, Pls. 1–4

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Carcharias macrorhynchos, Carcharias (Scoliodon) macrorhynchos

Scoliodon macrorhynchos
RMNH: 7369 Holotype: BMNH: 1867.121.28.190

Description :

Citation: Scoliodon macrorhynchos (Bleeker, 1852): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Scoliodon macrorhynchos IPPS WWPLAL#1 adult male 426 mm TL, fresh and CSIRO H 7074–01 female 325 mm TL, fresh: lateral view; In: White, W.T. & Last, P.R. & Naylor, G.J.P. (2010): Scoliodon macrorhynchos (Bleeker, 1852), a second species of spadenose shark from the Western Pacific (Carcharhiniformes: Carcharhinidae). CSIRO Marine and Atmospheric Research Paper, 32: 61-76
Short Description
Diagnosis after WHITE, W.T. & LAST, P.R. & NAYLOR, G.J.P., 2010 [9062]: A small carcharhinid (to 71 cm TL) with the following combination of characters: a long and extremely flattened snout; slender body and tail; teeth smooth-edged with slender, strongly oblique, blade-like cusps and no cusplets; anterior teeth strongly sexually dimorphic with those of adult males greatly elongate and flexuous; total tooth row counts 25–28/23–28 rows or 48–56 total rows; second dorsal-fin origin well posterior of anal-fin origin, about opposite posterior third of anal-fin base; second dorsal-fin origin to analfin origin 6.0–9.1% TL, 1.3–2.5 times second dorsal-fin base; interdorsal space 17.9–22.2% TL; pelvic fins small, anterior margins 41–56% of pectoral anterior margin; first dorsal fin small, broadly triangular, origin behind pectoralfin free rear tips, free rear tip over posterior half of pelvicfin bases, length 12.9–15.5% TL, inner margin 2.1–3.0 in base; second dorsal fin very small, base 2.0–3.5 times height; height 18–27% of first dorsal-fin height; anal fin large, length 11.1–14.1% TL, height 1.7–2.5 times second dorsal-fin height, base 1.9–3.1 times second dorsal-fin base; total vertebral count 149–171, monospondylous precaudal count 44–50, diplospondylous precaudal count 53–64, diplospondylous caudal count 49–59, precaudal count 98–114; colour greenish-bronze dorsally, off white ventrally when fresh; when preserved, slate-grey dorsally, whitish ventrally with waterline clearly demarcated along head, more diffuse along body, no distinct black spots on fins.

Occurs in the Western Central Pacific; recorded from western Indonesia, Malaysia, Gulf of Thailand, Singapore, Borneo, Philippines, China, Hong Kong, Taiwan and Japan [9062]

marine, shallow, inshore waters, most abundant near large freshwater outflows [9062]

Size / Weight / Age
147–562 mm TL [9062]

upper jaw 12–14 + 1 + 12–14; lower jaw 11–14 + 1–2 + 11–13 [9062]

shark-references Species-ID=9009;

Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
  • Otobothrium carcharidis (Shipley & Hornell, 1906) [21816]