Parmaturus angelae

Soares, De Carvalho, Schwingel & Gadig, 2019

Brazilian Filetail Catshark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Pentanchidae

Reference of the original description
Soares, K.D.A. & de Carvalho, M.R. & Schwingel, P.R. & Gadig, O.B.F. (2019)
A New Species of Parmaturus (Chondrichthyes: Carcharhiniformes: Scyliorhinidae) from Brazil, Southwestern Atlantic. Copeia, 107(2), 314–322

Parmaturus angelae
Holotype: MZUSP: 124000; Paratype: MZUSP: 124001;

Images of types

Description :

Citation: Parmaturus angelae Soares, De Carvalho, Schwingel & Gadig, 2019: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Parmaturus angelae Soares, De Carvalho, Schwingel & Gadig, 2019, holotype, MZUSP 124000, female, 398 mm TL. (A) Dorsal view, (B) lateral view. Scale bar 25 mm. © Karla A. Soares, Laboratório de Ictiologia, Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biociências, Universidade de São Paulo
Common names
eng Brazilian Filetail Catshark, por Angela’s Catshark

Short Description
Original Diagnosis after SOARES, DE CARVALHO, SCHWINGEL & GADIG, 2019 [27304]: A southwestern Atlantic species of Parmaturus distinguished from its congeners by the following combination of characters: first dorsal-fin origin slightly anterior to pelvic-fin origin (vs. well anterior in P. campechiensis); dorsal fins subequal (vs. first dorsal fin smaller in P. campechiensis and first dorsal fin slightly larger in P. xaniurus); upper caudal crest of denticles separated from lateral denticles by naked strip (vs. barely separated in P. xaniurus); lower caudal crest of denticles well developed and extending until last third of ventral caudal-fin lobe (vs. extending until the end of ventral caudal-fin lobe in P. campechiensis and reduced or absent in P. xaniurus); labial furrows discontinuous (vs. continuous in P. campechiensis and P. xaniurus); anal-fin base 1.6 times anal-fin height (vs. 3 times in P. campechiensis and 2.2–2.5 in P. xaniurus); pre-first dorsal-fin length 4.3 times interdorsal space (vs. 4.9 times in P. xaniurus); prenarial length 0.8–1.1 times in prepectoral length (vs. 0.3 times in P. campechiensis); mouth width 2.6 times mouth length (vs. 1.9 times in P. campechiensis); monospondylous precaudal centra 38 (vs. 39 in P. campechiensis), and total vertebrae counts 121–122 (vs. 111 in P. campechiensis and 109–121 in P. xaniurus).

off Santa Catarina state, southern Brazil [27304]

Oviparous, paired eggs are laid. Embryos feed solely on yolk [27304]

Size / Weight / Age
TL (max) - 425mm TL (only types) [27304]

marine; depth range: 500-600 m depth (only types) [27304]

Teeth small and numerous (Fig. 5), with two or more cusplets. Monognathic heterodonty weak; anterior teeth slightly larger with longer principal cusps than other teeth. Anterior teeth with one cusplet on each side, distal cusplet larger than the medial one. Lateral and commissural teeth with two well-developed cusplets on the medial border and one cusplet slightly smaller on the distal border. Longitudinal keels along the entire labial surface of the crown. Upper teeth slightly higher crowned than lower teeth. Teeth in 106/97 (102/94) rows, with 3/3 functional series. [27304]

shark-references Species-ID=15454;