Myliobatis ridens

Ruocco, Lucifora, De Astarloa, Mabragaña & Delpiani, 2012

Shortnose eagle ray
Classification: Elasmobranchii Myliobatiformes Myliobatidae

Reference of the original description
Ruocco, N.L. & Lucifora, L.O. & de Astarloa, J.M.D. & Mabragaña, E. & Delpiani, S.M. (2012)
Morphology and DNA Barcoding Reveal a New Species of Eagle Ray from the Southwestern Atlantic: Myliobatis ridens sp. nov. (Chondrichthyes: Myliobatiformes: Myliobatidae). Zoological Studies, 51(6), 862–873

Myliobatis ridens
Holotype: UNMDP: 511; Paratype: MNHN: 2011-0870; UNMDP: 507; UNMDP: 508; UNMDP: 509; UNMDP: 510; UNMDP: 512; UNMDP: 513; UNMDP: 514; UNMDP: 515; UNMDP: 516; UNMDP: 527; UNMDP: 528; UNMDP: 530; UNMDP: 531;

Description Pollerspoeck, Juergen:

Benediktinerring 34, D-94569 Stephansposching;
Citation: Myliobatis ridens Ruocco, Lucifora, De Astarloa, Mabragaña & Delpiani, 2012: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Short Description
A species of Myliobatis distinguished by the following combination of characters: disc rhombic, wider than long, width about 2.2-times TL. Anterior margin of disc joining head behind orbits. Head clearly protruding from disc, eyes in lateral position and of moderate size. Snout width equal to interorbital distance, mouth relatively wide, as broad as distance between 5th gill slits; mouth width greater than distance between inner ends of nostrils. Distance between 5th gill slits greater than distance between inner ends of nostrils. Color in life: Dorsal surface dark-brown to dark-olive-green or orange-brown. Ventral surface whitish with darker-orange or black margins of pectoral fins. Lower surface of pelvic fins, claspers, and tail white. Tail paler near base; becoming darker to nearly black towards tip. [17160]

endemic to the southwestern Atlantic shelf [17160]

Size / Weight / Age
Maximum size 700 and 630 mm DW for females and males, respectively; both sexes mature at approximately 500-600 mm DW. [17160]


shark-references Species-ID=12640;

Parasites (arranged by Jürgen Pollerspöck)
  • Empruthotrema dorae Irigoitia, Braicovich, Rossin, Canel, Levy, Farber & Timi, 2019 [27765]

  • Aberrapex vitalemuttiorum Menoret, Mutti & Ivanov, 2017 [25322] [31906]