Mustelus andamanensis

White, Arunrugstichai & Naylor, 2021

Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Triakidae

Reference of the original description
White, W.T. & Arunrugstichai, S. & Naylor, G.J.P. (2021)
Revision of the genus Mustelus (Carcharhiniformes: Triakidae) in the northern Indian Ocean, with description of a new species and a discussion on the validity of M. walkeri and M. ravidus. Marine Biodiversity, 51(3), Article 42

Image of the original description

Mustelus andamanensis White, Arunrugstichai & Naylor, 2021, holotype, CSIRO H 8426-01 (female 427 mm TL), from Thailand © William T. White

Mustelus andamanensis
Holotype: CSIRO: H 8426-01; Paratype: ANSP: 205178; BMNH: 2020.9.4.1; CSIRO: H 8426-02; CSIRO: H 8426-03; CSIRO: H 8426-04; CSIRO: H 8426-05; UF: 242439; USNM: 445711;

Images of types

Description :

Citation: Mustelus andamanensis White, Arunrugstichai & Naylor, 2021: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Mustelus andamanensis White, Arunrugstichai & Naylor, 2021, holotype, CSIRO H 8426-01 (female 427 mm TL), from Thailand © Sirachai Arunrugstichai
Common names
, eng Andaman Smoothhound

Short Description
Original diagnosis of WHITE, ARUNRUGSTICHAI & NAYLOR, 2021 [29603]: A Mustelus with the following combination of characters: palatine processes of the palatoquadrates subdivided near the symphysis with a short, separate medial segment on each side; pre-second dorsal length 55.5–57.9% TL; upper labial furrows shorter than lower furrows, uppers 0.7–1.1% TL and 0.6–0.9 times lowers; buccopharyngeal denticles covering most of the tongue and roof of mouth to about the third or fourth gill arch; reproductive mode not known; no hypercalcification of skeletal elements, but no adult specimens examined; dorsal fins moderately large, upright, first dorsal-fin anterior margin 13.9–15.8% TL, height 9.2–10.1% TL; teeth in 69–80/64–73 files; precaudal vertebral centra 87–91, monospondylous centra 33–39; small white spots never present on dorsal surface of body, including along lateral line; first dorsal fin without a white margin, upper half dusky to blackish; second dorsal fin blackish distally; caudal fin with a narrow white margin and a distinct black tip on terminal caudal lobe.

Andaman Sea, Indian Ocean [29603]

placental viviparity [29603]

Size / Weight / Age
TL (max): 1085 mm [29603]

marine [29603]

Anterolateral teeth with a low, lingual cusp (no cusplets); cusp slightly more pronounced near symphysis, reducing in size posteriorly and not evident on posterolaterals. Teeth relatively symmetrical between jaws, lower teeth with lower cusp; no notch or toothless space at symphysis; exposed evenly around centre of lower jaw when mouth closed, tooth bands not visible from margin of lower jaw towards corners; in 69–80/64–73 files; formula is 35–41 + 34–39 in upper jaw, 32–37 + 31–37 in lower jaw [29603]

shark-references Species-ID=16130;