Khouribgaleus gomphorhiza
(Arambourg, 1952)
Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Triakidae
Reference of the original description
Les vertébrés fossiles des gisements de phosphates (Maroc-Algérie-Tunisie). Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, 92, 1–372
Les vertébrés fossiles des gisements de phosphates (Maroc-Algérie-Tunisie). Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, 92, 1–372
Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Galeorhinus aff. gomphorhiza, Galeorhinus gomphorhiza
Galeorhinus aff. gomphorhiza, Galeorhinus gomphorhiza
Khouribgaleus gomphorhiza
Khouribgaleus gomphorhiza
Citation: Khouribgaleus gomphorhiza (Arambourg, 1952): In: Database of fossil elasmobranch teeth, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 02/2025
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Khouribgaleus gomphorhiza (Arambourg, 1952), Paleocene, Thanetian, (C2a), Oulad Abdoun, Morocco © Jean-Francois LHOMME,

Khouribgaleus gomphorhiza (Arambourg, 1952), Paleocene, Thanetian, (C2a), Oulad Abdoun, Morocco © Jean-Francois LHOMME,
Global impact and selectivity of the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction among sharks, skates, and rays. Science, 379, 802–806
DOI: 10.1126/science.abn2080
Combining palaeontological and neontological data shows a delayed diversification burst of carcharhiniform sharks likely mediated by environmental change. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 21906
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26010-7
Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks. Current Biology, 31(23), 5138–5148
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.028
Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks. Current Biology, 31(23), 5138–5148
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.028
Biostratigraphy and palaeobiota changes during Palaeocene-Eocene transition in the Pershinsky pit (Middle Trans-Urals). Lithosphere, 2008(1), 18–50
The selachian fauna from Geschiebe of the Lower Selandian basal conglomerate (Thanetian, Late Paleocene) in the Danish subbasin (Sealand, Scania, Western Baltic Sea). Erratica, 2, 3–45
Les Orectolobiformes, Carcharhiniformes et Myliobatiformes (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) des Bassins à phosphate du Maroc (Maastrichtien-Lutétien basal). Systématique, biostratigraphie, évolution et dynamique des faunes. Palaeo Ichthyologica, 8, 1–327
Stand der Untersuchungen an der Chondrichthyes-Fauna des nordwestdeutschen Tertiärs. Beiträge zur regionalen Geologie der Erde, 18, 503–509
Fossil sharks, rays and chimaeroids of the English Tertiary period. Gosport Museum, 1–47, 10 fig., 3 tabl., 16 pl.
The distribution of sharks, rays and chimaeroids in the English Palaeogene. Tertiary Research, 3(1), 13–19
(Sharks of Paleogene and their stratigraphic significance). «in russian». Nauka Press: 229 p., 76 fig., 31 pl. Moscou.
Les vertébrés fossiles des gisements de phosphates (Maroc-Algérie-Tunisie). Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, 92, 1–372

Global impact and selectivity of the Cretaceous-Paleogene mass extinction among sharks, skates, and rays. Science, 379, 802–806
DOI: 10.1126/science.abn2080
Combining palaeontological and neontological data shows a delayed diversification burst of carcharhiniform sharks likely mediated by environmental change. Scientific Reports, 12, Article 21906
DOI: 10.1038/s41598-022-26010-7
Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks. Current Biology, 31(23), 5138–5148
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.028
Feeding ecology has shaped the evolution of modern sharks. Current Biology, 31(23), 5138–5148
DOI: 10.1016/j.cub.2021.09.028

Biostratigraphy and palaeobiota changes during Palaeocene-Eocene transition in the Pershinsky pit (Middle Trans-Urals). Lithosphere, 2008(1), 18–50

The selachian fauna from Geschiebe of the Lower Selandian basal conglomerate (Thanetian, Late Paleocene) in the Danish subbasin (Sealand, Scania, Western Baltic Sea). Erratica, 2, 3–45

Les Orectolobiformes, Carcharhiniformes et Myliobatiformes (Elasmobranchii, Neoselachii) des Bassins à phosphate du Maroc (Maastrichtien-Lutétien basal). Systématique, biostratigraphie, évolution et dynamique des faunes. Palaeo Ichthyologica, 8, 1–327

Stand der Untersuchungen an der Chondrichthyes-Fauna des nordwestdeutschen Tertiärs. Beiträge zur regionalen Geologie der Erde, 18, 503–509

Fossil sharks, rays and chimaeroids of the English Tertiary period. Gosport Museum, 1–47, 10 fig., 3 tabl., 16 pl.

The distribution of sharks, rays and chimaeroids in the English Palaeogene. Tertiary Research, 3(1), 13–19

(Sharks of Paleogene and their stratigraphic significance). «in russian». Nauka Press: 229 p., 76 fig., 31 pl. Moscou.

Les vertébrés fossiles des gisements de phosphates (Maroc-Algérie-Tunisie). Notes et Mémoires du Service Géologique du Maroc, 92, 1–372