Isistius plutodus

Garrick & Springer, 1964

Largetooth cookiecutter shark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Squaliformes Dalatiidae

Reference of the original description
Garrick, J.A.F. & Springer, S. (1964)
Isistius plutodus, a new squaloid shark from the Gulf of Mexico. Copeia, 1964(4), 678–682

Image of the original description
Image in copyright.

Isistius plutodus
Holotype: USNM: 188386;

Description :

Citation: Isistius plutodus Garrick & Springer, 1964: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Isistius plutodus © Heike Zidowitz
Common names
spa Tollo cigarro dentón, fra \(T\) Squalelet dentu, eng Largetooth cookie-cutter shark, eng Largetooth cookiecutter shark

Short Description
The largetooth cookiecutter shark Isistius plutodus has no collar marking around throat, a small asymmetrical caudal fin with a short ventral lobe less than half the length of dorsal caudal margin, bigger mouth and gigantic lower teeth (proportionately the largest in any living shark) in 19 rows (upper teeth = 29 rows). Eyes set well forward on head, with extensive anterior binocular field. Pectoral fins rounded, pelvic fins smaller than dorsal fins. As with the other member of the genus Isistius, it has a characteristic small cigar-shaped body with two small close-set spineless dorsal fins far posterior on back, no anal fin, huge, triangular-cusped teeth without blades, short, bulbous snout and a unique suctorial lips [518].

Western Atlantic: off Alabama, USA and the Gulf of Mexico; including Brazil. Northwest Pacific: off Okinawa, Japan.
First record [22652]: SE Atlantic (FAO Fish. Aera: 47): AtlantNIRO 23074, female, 420 mm TL, Fishing vessel ‘Zund’, 27 Oct. 1988; 32°55’S, 02°24’W; 0-640 m depth. Caught by longline. W.I. Anenko coll.; AtlantNIRO 24000, female, 330 mm TL, RV ‘Atlantniro’, 10 Nov. 1990; 33°19’S, 02°16’W; 960-1260 m depth. Midwater trawl number 47. I. A. Trunov coll.
[3532]: north-eastern Atlantic, 3 August 2000; in a pelagic trawl at midnight at a depth of 90–100m over a water depth of 890–980 m, north of the Azores (43°58'N; 28°32'W). The specimen is located at the Ichthyological Collection oft he Zoological Institute of the University of Hamburg (ZMH 9368). Source:

Human uses
fisheries: of no interest

Distinct pairing with embrace [17086]. Found on the continental shelf (Ref. 75154).

Size / Weight / Age
42.0 cm TL (male/unsexed; [518])

bathypelagic; marine; depth range 814 - 6440 m [13336]

tooth formula (upper/lower): 10-14/8-9 [1131];

shark-references Species-ID=3205;