Gollum suluensis

Last & Gaudiano, 2011

Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Pseudotriakidae

Reference of the original description
Last, P.R. & Gaudiano, J.P. (2011)
Gollum suluensis sp. nov. (Carcharhiniformes: Pseudotriakidae), a new gollumshark from the southern Philippines. Zootaxa, 3002, 17–30

Image of the original description
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Description :

Citation: Gollum suluensis Last & Gaudiano, 2011: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Short Description
A small species of Gollum with the following combination of characters: body soft; head bell-shaped with a broadly parabolic snout; direct preorbital snout length 2.1–2.4 times eye length; preoral length 0.8–1.0 of mouth width, 1.3 times prenarial length; eye 1.4–1.5 times nostril length, more than 4.8 times spiracle length; head relatively broad, 12–14% TL; direct preorbital snout length 1.2–1.4 times interorbital space; head length 2.3–2.6 times mouth width, 8.0–9.0 times nostril width, 3.0–3.5 times preventral caudal-fin margin; length of pectoral-fin anterior margin 2.2–2.5 times its base; first dorsal-fin inner margin 0.5–0.6 of pectoral-fin base; second dorsal-fin base 10–12% TL; ventral head dusky, not strongly contrasted with dorsal surface along its lateral margin; posterior edges of dorsal fins not excessively concave; tips of dorsal fins dark; ventral margin of caudal fin dusky, not strongly contrasted with rest of fin; mouth dark; monospondylous centra 44–45, diplospondylous centra 107–109, total centra 151–154 (Ref. 87759).

Known only from off Palawan Island (Philippines) in the western sector of the Sulu Sea basin; collected on the insular slope at about 730 m depth (Ref. 87759).


Size / Weight / Age
Max length : 58.5 cm SL male/unsexed; (Ref. 87759)

Marine; benthopelagic

shark-references Species-ID=11140;