Etmopterus perryi

Springer & Burgess, 1985

Dwarf lantern shark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Squaliformes Etmopteridae

Reference of the original description
Springer, S. & Burgess, G.H. (1985)
Two new dwarf dogsharks (Etmopterus, Squalidae), found off the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Copeia, 1985(3), 584–591

Image of the original description
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Citation: Etmopterus perryi Springer & Burgess, 1985: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Etmopterus perryi Springer & Burgess, 1985, captured in the Colombian Caribbean, © PARAMO, J. & WIFF, R. & GONZÁLEZ, R. 2021 A matter of size: the population structure of the smallest known living shark, Etmopterus perryi (Springer & Burgess, 1985), from deep-waters off the Colombian Caribbean coast. Journal of Fish Biology
Common names
eng Dwarf lantern shark

Short Description
Body strongly marked with light and dark areas, streaks and spots; very small (probably the smallest shark) with a somewhat flattened head and snout (its depth 2/3 or less than its width); moderately large eyes; slender, needle-shaped denticles in random, dense array; fins moderately large.

Western Central Atlantic: Colombia and Venezuela.

Distinct pairing with embrace [17086].

Size / Weight / Age
17.0 cm TL (male/unsexed; [3663]); 20 cm TL (female)

bathypelagic; marine; depth range 283 - 439 m [3663]

Teeth in about 25/32 rows-30/34 rows, sexually dimorphic in adults; the males with upper jaw teeth generally with five cusps, the middle cusp less than twice as long as the next lateral cusps; the females with upper jaw teeth of central part usually with three cusps, the central cusp twice the length of lateral cusps, and teeth generally stronger and heavier than teeth of males. Lower jaw teeth are about as in other species of Etmopterus, to a slight degree the tips turn up more than in the larger species of Etmopterus or of Squalus [3663];

shark-references Species-ID=2180;