Etmopterus carteri

Springer & Burgess, 1985

Cylindrical lantern shark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Squaliformes Etmopteridae

Reference of the original description
Springer, S. & Burgess, G.H. (1985)
Two new dwarf dogsharks (Etmopterus, Squalidae), found off the Caribbean coast of Colombia. Copeia, 1985(3), 584–591

Image of the original description
Image in copyright.

Etmopterus carteri
Holotype: USNM: 206090; Paratype: UF: 40691 (ex USNM 206092); USNM: 206091; USNM: 206092;

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Description :

Citation: Etmopterus carteri Springer & Burgess, 1985: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras,, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

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Etmopterus carteri Springer & Burgess, 1985, paratype, USNM 206091, Caribbean coast of Colombia, 283-292 m, © Sandra J. Raredon, Division of Fishes, Smithsonian Institution
Common names
eng Cylindrical lantern shark

Short Description
A very small, black shark with a short and bluntly rounded snout (its length 5.7-7.5% TL in adults); head and body nearly cylindrical anteriorly, tapering unevenly to a slender caudal peduncle; moderately large eyes; dermal denticles, very small needle-like to spine-like, covering whole body except narrowly along lips, gill slit margins, around cloacal opening, and dorsal surface of claspers. Pectoral fins lobate; small pelvic fins.

Western Central Atlantic: Colombia.

Distinct pairing with embrace [17086].

Size / Weight / Age
21.2 cm TL (male/unsexed; [3663]); 19 cm TL (female)

bathypelagic; marine; depth range 283 - 356 m [3663]

Description: Teeth small, in 30/29 +- 2 rows, no marked space at jaw symphysis and no smaller teeth at symphysis, upper teeth with three or more cusps, lower teeth unicuspid, shaped as in Squalus; largest teeth of adults about 1 mm in greatest dimension. Upper teeth sexually dimorphic, at least in adults; teeth from near central part of jaw of males with 3 or 4 lateral cusps on each side of a central cusp, the lateral cusps half, or more than half as high as central cusp; teeth of females with 1 or 2 lateral cusps on each side, the lateral cusps less than half as high as the central cusps. Cusps of lower jaw teeth in both sexes not fully recumbent, their tips forming a saw-like edge. Several series of teeth functional in upper jaw; one series of teeth, arranged as a band, functional in the lower jaw [3663];

shark-references Species-ID=2163;