Cephaloscyllium sufflans

(Regan, 1921)

Balloon shark
Classification: Elasmobranchii Carcharhiniformes Scyliorhinidae

Reference of the original description
Regan, C.T. (1921)
New fishes from deep water off the coast of Natal. Annals and Magazine of Natural History, (Series 9), 7(41), 412–420

Image of the original description
No image in first description.

Synonyms / new combinations and misspellings
Scyliorhinus (Cephaloscyllium) sufflans, Scylliorhinus sufflans

Cephaloscyllium sufflans
Holotype: BMNH: 1921.3.1.2

Description :

Citation: Cephaloscyllium sufflans (Regan, 1921): In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

Please send your images of "Cephaloscyllium sufflans" to info@shark-references.com

Cephaloscyllium sufflans (Regan, 1921), © FAO, www.fish-base.org
Common names
spa Pejegato balón, fra \(T\) Holbiche soufflue, eng Balloon shark, eng Swell shark, por Pata-roxa ensuflada

Short Description
Original diagnose after Compagno, 1984 [517]: Snout broadly rounded-angular in dorsoventral view, broad and short; anterior nasal flaps fairly elongate and lobate, not overlapping mouth posteriorly. Claspers moderately short and stout. Colour pattern of 7 light grey-brown saddles on a lighter, pale-grey brown background, these underside of head saddles obscure or absent in adults, pectorals dusky above, underside unspotted; fins without conspicuous light margins. A large species.

Western Indian Ocean: Mozambique and Natal, South Africa [517]. Records from the Gulf of Aden are doubtful. Nominal records from Viet Nam were based on an undescribed species often called Cephaloscyllium umbratile which was not even that species. Source: www.gbif.org

Human uses
fisheries: of no interest

Oviparous, laying one egg-case per oviduct [517]. Embryos feed solely on yolk [733]. Found on the continental shelf and upper slope, preferring areas with sand and mud bottoms [536]. Feeds on benthic animals, mainly crustaceans and cephalopods, but also bony fishes, and other elasmobranches [517].

Size / Weight / Age
110 cm TL (male/unsexed; [536])

demersal; marine; depth range 40 - 600 m [536]

shark-references Species-ID=1316;