Centrophorus longipinnis

White, Ebert & Naylor, 2017

Classification: Elasmobranchii Squaliformes Centrophoridae

Reference of the original description
White, W.T. & Ebert, D.A. & Naylor, G.J.P. (2017)
Revision of the genus Centrophorus (Squaliformes: Centrophoridae): Part 2—Description of two new species of Centrophorus and clarification of the status of Centrophorus lusitanicus Barbosa du Bocage & de Brito Capello, 1864. Zootaxa, 4344(1), 86–114

Images of types

Description :

Citation: Centrophorus longipinnis White, Ebert & Naylor, 2017: In: Database of modern sharks, rays and chimaeras, www.shark-references.com, World Wide Web electronic publication, Version 10/2024

Please send your images of "Centrophorus longipinnis" to info@shark-references.com

Centrophorus longipinnis White, Ebert & Naylor, 2017 adult male holotype (NMMB-P 15756, 720 mm TL) © copyright by WILLIAM T. White, DAVID A. Ebert, GAVIN J.P. NAYLOR
Common names
eng Longfin Gulper Shark

Short Description
Original diagnose after WHITE, EBERT & NAYLOR, 2017 [25846]: A medium sized (<1 m maximum total length) species of Centrophorus with the following combination of characters: body relatively slender; head moderately long (20.5–25.1% TL); snout relatively short (horizontal preorbital length 6.4–8.4% TL) and rounded in dorsal view; first dorsal extremely long based (base length 20.8–23.3% TL, soft fin length 16.9–20.2% TL) and relatively high (height 5.7–7.2% TL), inner margin relatively short (5.3–6.8% TL, 2.6–3.2 in soft fin length); second dorsal fin much smaller in area to first, similar in height to first dorsal fin (height 1.0–1.3 in first dorsal-fin height); pectoral fins large (anterior margin length 11.0– 13.0% TL), free rear tip elongate in larger individuals (2.2–4.0% TL); lateral trunk denticles of larger individuals sessile (not raised on pedicels), block-like, not elevated; upper teeth of larger individuals with erect to slightly oblique cusps; lower teeth of all sized specimens much larger than upper teeth, strongly oblique, blade-like; total vertebral centra 112–122; teeth 38–43/29–31.

off Taiwan, Indonesia, and Papua New Guinea (Huon Gulf) [25846]

Size / Weight / Age
408 to 905 mm TL [25846]

marine; depth range: 330–460 m [25846]

Teeth strongly differentiated in upper and lower jaws, with upper teeth much smaller than lower teeth. Upper teeth of adults (based on CSIRO H 7990-02) moderately large, with erect cusps, becoming slightly oblique posteriorly towards mouth corners, bases slightly overlapping. Lower teeth much larger than uppers, cusps very strongly oblique, blade-like, overlapping, edges with fine serrations. [25846]

shark-references Species-ID=14958;