Steno, N. (1667)
Elementorum myologiae specimen, seu musculi descriptio geometrica : cui accedunt canis carchariae dissectum caput, et dissectus piscis ex canum genere. Florentiae: ex typographia sub signo stellae, 1667, 123 S. 6 plt.
Linné, C. (1758)
Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae, regnum animale, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species, cum characteribus differentiis synonymis, locis. Tomus I. Editio decima, reformata. Stockholm, Laurentii Salvii, 824pp.
Osbeck, P. (1765)
Reise nach Ostindien und China. Nebst O. Toreens Reise nach Suratte und C. G. Ekebergs Nachricht von den Landwirthschaft der Chineser. German translation by J. G. Georgius. J. C. Koppe, Rostock. i-xxvi + 1-552 + 25-p. index, Pls. 1-13
Brünnich, M.T. (1768)
Ichthyologia Massiliensis, sistens piscium descriptiones eorumque apud incolas nomina. Accedunt Spolia Maris Adriatici. Hafniae et Lipsiae: i–xvi + 1–110. [In 2 parts; first as i–xvi + 1–84; 2nd as Spolia e Mari Adriatica reportata: 85–110.]
Bloch, M.E. (1785)
Naturgeschichte der ausländischen Fische. I. II. Theil. Berlin. 1: i–viii + 1–136
Olavius, O.O. (1787)
Oekonomische Reise durch Island. Dresden und Leipzig
Bonnaterre, J.P. (1788)
Ichthyologie. Tableau encyclopédique et méthodique des trois règnes de la nature. Paris, 215 p., pl. A–B + 1–100.
Gmelin, J.F. (1789)
Caroli a Linné. Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species; cum characteribus, differentiis, synonymis, locis. Editio decimo tertia, aucta, reformata. 3 vols. in 9 parts. Lipsiae, 1788–93. Caroli a Linné ... Systema Naturae per regna tria naturae, secundum classes, ordines, genera, species; ... v. 1(pt 3): 1033–1516
Walbaum, J.J. (1792)
Petri Artedi sueci genera piscium. In quibus systema totum ichthyologiae proponitur cum classibus, ordinibus, generum characteribus, specierum differentiis, observationibus plurimis. Redactis speciebus 242 ad genera 52. Ichthyologiae pars III. Ant. Ferdin. Rose, Grypeswaldiae [Greifswald].
Lacepède, B.G.E. (1798)
Histoire Naturelle des Poissons. Plassan, Paris, 1: i–cxlvii, 1–532, pls 1–25
Suckow, G.A. (1799)
Anfangsgründe der theoretischen und angewandten Naturgeschichte der Thiere. Leipzig. Vol. 4: 65–110
Turton, W. (1800)
A general system of nature through the three grand Kingdoms of Animals, Vegetables and Minerals. Translated from Gmelin's last edition of the celebrated Systema Naturae. Vol. 1: 913–930(date on title page 1802, but p. 943 with printer's remark "Printed by Voss and Morris, Castle–Street, Swansea. 1800)
Bloch, M.E. & Schneider, J.G. (1801)
M.E. Blochii Systema Ichthyologiae iconibus ex illustratum. Post obitum auctoris opus inchoatum absolvit, correxit, interpolavit. J.G. Schneider, Saxo: 584 p., 110 pl.
Shaw, G. (1804)
General zoology or systematic natural history. G. Kearsley, London, vol. 5, Pisces, part 2, i–vii, 1–463
Rafinesque, C.S. (1810)
Indice d'ittiologia siciliana ossia catalogo metodico dei nomi latini, italiani, e siciliani, e siciliani dei pesci, che si rinvengono in Sicilia disposti secondo un metodo naturale eseguito da un appendice che contiene la descrizione di alcuni nuovi pesci siciliani. Ill Opuscolo del signore C.S. Rafinesque Schmaltz. Giovanni del Nobolo, Messina, 70 pp., 2 pls
Pallas, P.S. (1814)
Zoographia Rosso-Asiatica, sistens omnium animalium in extenso Imperio Rossico et adjacentibus maribus observatorum recensionem, domicilia, mores et descriptiones anatomen atque icones plurimorum. 3 vols. [1811-1814]. Petropoli, 3: i–vii + 1–428 + index(I–CXXV), Pls. 1, 13, 14, 15, 20 and 21
Mitchill, S.L. (1815)
The fishes of New York described and arranged. Transactions of the Literary and Philosophical Society of New York, 1, 355–492
Cloquet, H. (1817)
Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles. Dictionnaire des sciences naturelles, 7, 66–77
de Blainville, H.M.D. (1818)
Sur les ichthyolites ou les poissons fossiles. Nouveau Dictionnaire d'Histoire Naturelle, 27, 310–391
Fleming, J. (1822)
Philosophy of Zoology, vol. 2. Archibald Constable, Edinburgh
Hamilton, F. (1822)
An account of the fishes found in the river Ganges and its branches. Edinburgh & London: i–vii + 1–405, Pls. 1–39.
Schinz, H.R. (1822)
Das Thierreich eingetheilt nach dem Bau der Thiere als Grundlage ihrer Naturgeschichte und der vergleichenden Anatomie. Cotta, Stuttgart & Tübingen, 2: i–xvi + 1–835.
Nardo, G.D. (1824)
Osservazione ed aggiunte all' Adriatica ittiologia pubblicata dal sig. Cav. Fortunata Luigi Naccari presentate dal sig. Domenico Nardo al sig. Giuseppe Cernazai di Udine. Giornale di fisica, chimica e storia naturale, medicina, ed arti, 7: 222–234; 249–263
Nardo, G.D. (1827)
Prodromus observationum et disquisitionum Adriaticae ichthyologiae. Giornale di fisica, chimica e storia naturele, medicina, ed arti, 10: 22–40
Fleming, J. (1828)
A history of British animals, exhibiting the descriptive characters and systematical arrangement of the genera and species of quadrupeds, birds, reptiles, fishes, mollusca, and radiata of the United Kingdom; including the indigenous, extirpated, and extinct kinds, together with periodical and occasional visitants. Edinburgh & London, 1: i–xxiii + 1–565
Cuvier, G.L.C.F.D. & Griffith, E. & Smith, C. (1834)
The class Pisces, arranged by the Baron Cuvier, with supplementary additions, by Edward Griffith, F.R.S. &c. and Lieut.-Col. Charles Hamilton Smith, F.R., L.S.S. &c. &c. The animal kingdom. London. Vol. 1, 1–680 pp, 62 pls
Agassiz, L. (1835)
Kritische Revision der in der Ittiolitologia Vetonese abgebildeten fossilen Fische. Neues Jahrbuch für Mineralogie, Geognosie, Geologie und Petrefaktenkunde, 1835, 290–316
Agassiz, L. (1835)
Revue critique des poissons fossiles figurés dans l'Ittiolitologia veronesé. Extrait de la 4e livraison des Recherches sur les Poissons fossiles. Imprimerie de Petitpierre et Prince,1835, 44pp
Richardson, J. (1836)
The Fish. In Fauna Boreali–Americana; or the zoology of the northern parts of British America: containing descriptions of the objects of natural history collected on the late northern land expeditions, under the command of Sir John Franklin, R.N. Fauna Boreali–Americana; or the zoology of the northern parts of British America: ... Part 3: i–xv + 1–327, Pls. 74–97
Yarrell, W. (1836)
A history of British fishes. Vol II London, 1836
Bonaparte, C.L. (1838)
Selachorum tabula analytica. Nuovi Annali della Science Naturali Bologna, 1(2): 195–214
Bonaparte, C.L. (1838)
Selachorum tabula analytica, Systema Ichthyologicum. Memoires de la Societe Neuchateloise des Sciences Naturelles, 2: 1–16
DOI: 10.5169/seals-100091
Couch, J. (1838)
A Cornish fauna, being a compendium of the natural history of the county. Part I. Vertebrate, crustacean, and a portion of the Radiate animals. Cornish Fauna
Smith, A. (1838)
Pisces. Illustrations of the zoology of South Africa. Smith, Elder, London, vol. 4, 77 pp., not numbered, pls 1–31
Agassiz, L. (1839)
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles, 10th and 12th livraisons (April 1839). Petitpierre et Prince (text) and H. Nicolet (plates), Neuchâtel, vol. 3: 141-156, pl. 9, 23, 25, 30a.
Bonaparte, C.L. (1841)
Iconografia della fauna italica per le quattro classi degli animali vertebrati. Tomo III. Pesci. Roma, Fasc. 30, puntata 155–160, 5 pls.
Müller, J. & Henle, F.G.J. (1841)
Systematische Beschreibung der Plagiostomen. Berlin, Veit, pp. 1–200
Agassiz, L. (1843)
Recherches sur les poissons fossiles, 15th and 16th livraisons (March 1843). Jent and Gassmann, Soleure (text) and H. Nicolet, Neuchâtel (planches). – vol. 3: [i]-[iv], 157-390, 382*-382**, 1–32, [33]-[34], pl. 1, 18, 22, 22a, 22b, 26a, 38, 40b, 40c, 40d, 45, 47
Pictet, F.-J. (1845)
Traité élémentaire de paléontologie; ou, Histoire naturelle des animaux fossiles, considérés dans leurs rapports zoologiques et géologiques. Paris, Langlois et Leclerq, 1844-46, vol. II, pp. 259-310
Bonaparte, C.L. (1846)
Catalogo metodico dei pesci europei. Atti della Società Italiana di Scienze Naturali e del Museo Civico di Storia Naturale di Milano, 1846, 1–95
Plucàr, E. (1846)
Der Fischplatz zu Triest oder Aufzählung und populäre Beschreibung der demselben aus den adriastischen Golfe zugeführten Fische und anderen essbaren Meerprodukte nebst Andeutung ihrer Zubereitung als Speise. Triest: 1–78 + contents(5 pp) + inhalt(2 pp.).
Gibbes, R.W. (1848)
Monograph of the fossil Squalidae of the United States. Art. 12. Journal of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 1(ser. 2), 139–147
Giebel, C.G. (1848)
Die Fische der Vorwelt, mit steter Berücksichtigung der lebenden Fische. Erster Band: Wirbelthiere. Dritte Abtheilung: Fische: i–xii, 1–467. Leipzig (Brockhaus).
Gistel, J. (1848)
Naturgeschichte des Thierreichs für höhere Schulen. Hoffman'sche Verlags, Stuttgart, 216 pp
Storer, D.H. (1848)
(On a new species of Carcharias). Proceedings of the Boston Society of Natural History, 3, 71–72
Neugeboren, L. (1850)
Die vorweltlichen Squaliden-Zähne aus dem Grobkalke bei Portsesd am Altflusse unweit Talmatsch. Archiv des Vereins für Siebenbürgische Landeskunde, 4(2), 1–44
Gray, J.E. (1851)
List of the specimens of fish in the collection of the British Museum. Part I. Chondropterygii. British Museum (Natural History), London, 160 pp
Owen, R. (1853)
Descriptive catalogue of the osteological series contained in the Museum of the Royal College of Surgeons of England. Vol. 1. Pisces, Reptilia, Aves, Marsupialia. Taylor and Francis, London, 350 pp
Gray, J.E. (1854)
Catalogue of fish collected and described by Laurence Theodore Gronow, now in the British Museum. [Gray's role apparently limited to seeing existing manuscript through publication; descriptions are from Gronow.] London: i–vii + 1–196.
Hamilton, R. (1854)
Ichthyology. British Fishes. Part 2 (Natural history of British fishes, Elasmobranchs) in Jardine W. B. (ed.), The Naturalist’s Library 37. W.H. Lizars, Edinburgh & Henry G. Bohn, London: 295–337
Peters, W.C.H. (1855)
Uebersicht der in Mossambique beobachteten Seefische. Bericht über die zur Bekanntmachung geeigneten Verhandlungen der Königlich Preußischen Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Berlin, 1855, 428–466
Gemmellaro, G. (1857)
Ricerche sui pesci fossili della Sicilia. Atti dell' Accademia nat. Catania, ser. 2(13): 279–328, pl. 1–6 [also: Atti dell' Accademia Gioenia die Scienze Naturali, 13, Serie Seconda, 1858]
Emmons, E. (1858)
Agriculture of the eastern counties, together with descriptions of the fossils of the marl beds. Report North Carolina Geol. Surv.: 1–314
Gill, T. (1861)
Catalogue of the fishes of the eastern coast of North America, from Greenland to Georgia. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 13, 1–63
Couch, J. (1862)
The history of the fishes of the British Islands. London, Vol. 1, sections 1–4
Schafhäutl, K.F. (1863)
Süd-Bayerns Lethaea Geognostica. Der Kressenberg und die südlich von ihm gelegenen Hochalpen geognostisch betrachtet in ihren Petrefacten. 1–2: 487 p., 46 fig., 2 cartes, 98 pl. Leipzig(L. Voss); Paris(Savy); Londres(Williams & Norgate).
Dumeril, A.H.A. (1865)
Histoire naturelle des poissons ou ichthyologie générale. Tome Premier. Elasmobranchés. Plagiostomes et Holocéphales ou Chimères. Librairie Encyclopédique de Roret, Paris. 720 pp
du Bocage, J.V.B. & de Brito Capello, F. (1866)
Apontamentos para a ichthyologia de Portugal, Peixes Plagiostomos, primeira parte, Esqualos. Typographia da Academia Real das Sciencias, Lisboa, 40 p.
Storer, D.H. (1867)
A history of the fishes of Massachusetts. Cambridge and Boston: 1–287, 39 pls
de Brito Capello, F. (1869)
Catalogo dos peixes de Portugal que existem no Museu de Lisboa. Jornal de Sciências Mathemáticas, Physicas e Naturaes, Lisboa, 2(VI), 131–153
Günther, A. (1870)
Catalogue of the fishes in the British Museum. London, British Museum(Natural History). Vol. 8: 549 p.
Hutton, F.W. (1872)
Fishes of New Zealand. Catalogue with diagnoses of the species [Followed by an article by J. Hector, Notes on the edible fishes, pp. 95-133] Colonial Museum and Geological Survey Department. Wellington. Fishes of New Zealand. Catalogue with diagnoses of the species.: 1–93 + 95–133, Pls. 1–12. [Plates used for both articles; new taxa by Hutton.]
Gill, T. (1873)
Catalogue and bibliography of the fishes of the east coast of North America. Report of the United States Fish Commission, 1871–1872, 779–822
de Zigno, A. (1874)
Catalogo ragionato dei pesci fossili del calcare eocenico di M. Bolca e M. Postale, disposti secondo il metodo dell'Agassiz modificato dal Pictet. 14. Plagiostomi, Cuv. Atti del R. Istituto veneto di scienze, lettere ed arti, 3(4), 2195–2214
Lawley, R. (1876)
Nuovi studi sopra ai pesci ed altri vertebrati fossili delle Colline Toscane. Firenze, Tipografia dell Arte della Stampa: 1–122, pl. 1–5.
Poey, F. (1876)
Enumeratio piscium cubensium (Parte III). Anales de la Sociedad Española de Historia Natural, 5, 373–404
Lawley, R. (1877)
Confronto di una mascella di Carcharodon lamia ROND., coi denti di Carcharodon fossili trovati nelli collini toscane. Atti della Società Toscana di Scienze Naturali, Mem., 3, 330–336
Rohon, J.V. (1877)
Das Centralorgan des Nervensystems der Selachier. Denkschriften der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch–Naturwissenschaftliche Classe, 38, 43–104
Bassani, F. (1878)
Ittiodontoliti del Veneto. Atti Accademia Scientifica Veneto-Trentino-Istriana, 5, 275–308
Döderlein, P. (1879)
Manuale Ittiologico del Mediterraneo ossia sinossi metodica delle varie specie di pesci riscontrate sin qui nel Mediterraneo ossia senossi metodica delle di Sicilia. 5 parts. Palermo: Pt 1, 1879:i–viii + 1–67; pt 2, 1881:1, –120; pt 3, 1884:121–258; +.
Goode, G.B. & Bean, T.H. (1879)
A catalogue of the fishes of Essex county, Massachusetts, including the fauna of Massachusetts Bay and the contiguous deep waters. Bulletin of the Essex Institute, 11, 1–38
Jordan, D.S. & Gilbert, C.H. (1880)
List of the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States, with a table showing the distribution of the species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3, 452–458
Jordan, D.S. & Gilbert, C.H. (1880)
Notes on sharks from the coast of California. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3, 51–52
Jordan, D.S. & Gilbert, C.H. (1880)
List of the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States, with a table showing the distribution of the species. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 3, 452–458
Klunzinger, C.B. (1880)
Die von Müller'sche Sammlung australischer Fische in Stuttgart. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch–Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 80(3–4), 325–430
Stossich, M. (1880)
Prospetto della Fauna del mare Adriatico. Bollettino della Società adriatica di scienze naturali in Trieste, 5, 18–71
Jordan, D.S. & Gilbert, C.H. (1881)
Notes on the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 4, 29–70
Jordan, D.S. & Gilbert, C.H. (1881)
Notes on the fishes of the Pacific coast of the United States. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 4, 29–70
Lawley, R. (1881)
Studi comparativi sui pesci fossili coi viventi dei generi Carcharodon, Oxyrhina e Galeocerdo. Studi compar. pesci foss: 151 p., 25 pl.
Macleay, W. (1881)
A descriptive catalogue of the fishes of Australia. Part IV. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, ser. 1, 6, 202–387
Moreau, E. (1881)
Histoire naturelle des poissons de la France. Paris, 1: i–vii + 1–480
Jordan, D.S. & Gilbert, C.H. (1883)
Synopsis of the fishes of North America. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 16, 1–1018
de Rochebrune, A.T. (1883)
Faune de la Senegambie. Poissons. Actes de la Société linnéenne de Bordeaux, 36, 25–190
de Rochebrune, A.T. (1883)
Faune de la Sénégambie. Poissons Paris :O. Doin,1883–1887
Jordan, D.S. (1884)
Notes on species of fishes improperly ascribed to the fauna of North America. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 36, 97–103
Jordan, D.S. (1884)
List of fishes collected at Key West, Florida, with notes and descriptions. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 7(416), 103–150
Haswell, W.A. (1885)
Studies on the elasmobranch skeleton. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, ser. 1, 9, 71–119
McCoy, F. (1885)
Natural history of Victoria: Prodromus of the zoology of Victoria, or, figures and descriptions of the living species of all classes of the Victorian indigenous animals, Vol. 1 Dec. 6-10 Government Printer, Melbourne
Jordan, D.S. (1886)
A preliminary list of the fishes of the West Indies. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 9, 554–608
Jordan, D.S. (1887)
A catalogue of the fishes known to inhabit the waters of North America, north of the Tropic of Cancer, with notes on the species discovered in 1883 and 1884. U.S. Comm. of Fish and Fisheries: Rept. of Commissioner for 1884 11:1–185
Jordan, D.S. (1887)
A catalogue of the fishes known to inhabit the waters of North America, north of the Tropic of Cancer, with notes on the species discovered in 1883 and 1884. U.S. Comm. of Fish and Fisheries: Rept. of Commissioner for 1884 11:1–185
Ogilby, J.D. (1887)
On a new genus and species of Australian Mugilidae. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1887, 614–616
Parker, T.J. (1887)
Notes on Carcharodon rondeletii. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1887, 27–40
Philippi, R.A. (1887)
Sobre los tiburones y algunos otros peces de Chile. Anales de Ia Universidad de Chile, 71, 535–574
DOI: 10.5354/0717-8883.2012.23750
Jordan, D.S. (1888)
A manual of the vertebrate animals of the northern United States, including the district north and east of the Ozark mountains, south of the Laurentian hills, north of the southern boundary of Virginia, and east of the Missouri river, inclusive of marine species (5th ed.). McClurg and Company, Chicago, 375pp.
Ogilby, J.D. (1888)
List of the Australian Palaeichthyes, with notes on their synonymy and distribution. Part 1. Proceedings of the Linnean Society of New South Wales, ser. 2, 3(4), 1765–1772
Ogilby, J.D. (1888)
Catalogue of the fishes in the collection of the Australian Museum. Part I. Recent palaeichthyan fishes. Sydney, 26 pp.
Günther, A. (1889)
Report on the pelagic fishes collected by H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76 In Report on the Scientific Results of the voyage of H.M.S. CHALLENGER during the years 1873–76, Zoology. London, Vol. 78
Boulenger, G.A. (1892)
Third account of the fishes obtained by Surgeon-Major A.S.G. Jayakar at Muscat, east coast of Arabia. Proceedings of the Zoological Society of London, 1892, 134–136
Eigenmann, C.H. & Eigenmann, R.S. (1892)
A catalogue of the fishes of the Pacific coast of America north of Cerros Island. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 6, 349–358
DOI: 10.1111/j.1749-6632.1892.tb55407.x
Hoffman, H.A. & Jordan, D.S. (1892)
A catalogue of the fishes of Greece, with notes on the names now in use and those employed by classical authors. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 44, 230–285
Facciola, L. (1894)
Cattura di un Carcharodon rondeletii M. H. Il Naturalista Siciliano, 13: 182-184
Jordan, D.S. & Evermann, B.W. (1896)
The fishes of North and Middle America: a descriptive catalogue of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the Isthmus of Panama. Part I. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 47, 1–1240
Jordan, D.S. & Evermann, B.W. (1896)
The fishes of North and Middle America: a descriptive catalogue of the species of fish-like vertebrates found in the waters of North America, north of the Isthmus of Panama. Part I. Bulletin of the United States National Museum, 47, 1–1240
Morris, E.F. (1898)
Australian English, a dictionary of Australasian words, Phrases and usages. London(Macmillan): xxiv + 515 pp
Cardoso, J. (1900)
Notas Africanas Ichthyologia Cabo-Verdiana Annaes de Sciencias Naturaes por Augusto Nobre, 6, 33–49
Delfin, F.T. (1900)
Catálogo de los peces de Chile. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 4(5): 69–71
Huber, O. (1901)
Mitteilungen zur Kenntnis der Copulationsglieder bei den Selachiern. Anatomischer Anzeiger, 19, 299–307
Huber, O. (1901)
Die Kopulationsglieder der Selachier. Zeitschrift für wissenschaftliche Zoologie, 70, 592–674
Hay, O.P. (1902)
Bibliography and catalogue of the fossil Vertebrata of North America. Bulletin of the United States Geological and Geographical Survey of the Territories, 179, 1–868
Jordan, D.S. & Fowler, H.W. (1903)
A review of the Elasmobranchiate fishes of Japan. Proceedings of the United States National Museum, 26(1324), 593–674
Koch, A. (1904)
Fossile Haifischzähne und Säugetierreste von Felsöesztergály im Komitate Nógrád. Földtani Közlöny, 34, 260–273
Koch, A. (1904)
Kövült czápafogak és emlősmaradványok Felsőesztergályról, Nógrád vármegyében: Földtani Közlöny, 34, 190–203
Fowler, H.W. (1906)
Some cold-blooded vertebrates of the Florida Keys. Proceedings of the Academy of Natural Sciences of Philadelphia, 58, 77–113
Jordan, D.S. & Evermann, B.W. (1906)
The aquatic resources of the Hawaiian Islands. Part I. The shore fishes. Bulletin of the United States Fish Commission, 23(1), 1–525
Jordan, D.S. & Seale, A. (1906)
The fishes of Samoa. Descriptions of the species found in the Archipelago, with a provisional check-list of the fishes of Oceania. Bulletin of the Bureau of Fisheries, 25, 175–455
Face, L. (1907)
Essai sur la faune des poissons des lies Baleares, etc. Archives de zoologie expérimentale et générale, (Serie 4), 7, 69–94
Jordan, D.S. (1907)
The fossil fishes of California with supplementary notes on other species of extinct fishes. Bulletin Department of Geology, University of California, 5(7), 95–145
Waite, E.R. (1907)
A basic list of the fishes of New Zealand. Whitcombe and Tombs. Records of the Canterbury Museum, 1(1), 131–155
Waite, E.R. (1907)
A basic list of the fishes of New Zealand. Whitcombe and Tombs. Records of the Canterbury Museum, 1(1), 131–155
de Miranda Ribeiro, A. (1907)
Fauna Braziliense. Peixes. II. Desmobranchios. Archivos do Museu Nacional do Rio de Janeiro, 14, 131–217
Lo Bianco, S. (1909)
Notizie biologiche riguardanti specialmente il periodo di maturita sessuale degli animali del Golfo di Napoli. Mittheilungen aus der Zoologischen Station zu Neapel, 19(4), 513–761
Günther, A. (1910)
Andrew Garrett's Fische der Südsee. Band III, Heft IX. Journal des Museum Godeffroy, 6(17), 389–515
Porter, C. (1910)
Ictiología. Adiciones y observaciones al Catálogo de los peces de Chile del Dr. Delfin. Revista Chilena de Historia Natural, 14(1–2): 73–83
Roule, L. (1912)
Notice sur les Selaciens conserves dans les collections du Musee Oceanographique. Bulletin de l'Institute Océanographique de Monaco, 243, 1–36
Garman, S. (1913)
The Plagiostomia (Sharks, Skates and Rays). Memoirs of the Museum of Comparative Zoology at Harvard College, 36, 1–528
Jordan, D.S. & Beal, C.H. (1913)
Supplementary notes on fossil sharks. Bulletin Department of Geology, University of California, 7, 243–256
Jordan, D.S. & Tanaka, S. & Snyder, J.O. (1913)
A catalogue of the fishes of Japan. Journal of the College of Science, Imperial University, Tokyo, 33, 1–497
Pintner, T. (1913)
Vorarbeiten zu einer Monographie der Tetrarhynchoideen. Sitzungsberichte der Kaiserlichen Akademie der Wissenschaften, Mathematisch–Naturwissenschaftliche Klasse, 122, 171–253
Coles, R.J. (1915)
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