Salmon, T. & Rangel, B.S. & Malavasi, C.E. & Kfoury, J.R. (2021)
New records and preliminary reproductive aspects of elasmobranchs of the Trindade-Martin Vaz insular complex. Oecologia Australis, 25(1), 158–164
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Presence of the protein indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) in the maternal-fetal interface of the yolk sac placenta of blue shark, Prionace glauca. Fish & Shellfish Immunology, 100, 256–260
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Comparative investigation into the morphology of oral papillae and denticles of four species of lamnid and sphyrnid sharks. Zoomorphology, 138(1), 127–136
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Microstructural morphology of dermal and oral denticles of the sharpnose sevengill shark Heptranchias perlo (Elasmobranchii: Hexanchidae), a deep-water species. Microscopy Research and Technique, 82(8), 1243–1248
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Rangel, B.S. & Wosnick, N. & Hammerschlag, N. & Ciena, A.P. & Kfoury, J.R. & Rici, R.E.G. (2017)
A preliminary investigation into the morphology of oral papillae and denticles of blue sharks (Prionace glauca) with inferences about its functional significance across life stages. Journal of Anatomy, 203(3), 389–397
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Poscai, A.N. & Rangel, B.S. & da Silva Casas, A.L. & Wosnick, N. & Rodrigues, A. & Rici, R.E.G. & Kfoury, J.R. (2017)
Microscopic aspects of the nictitating membrane in Carcharhinidae and Sphyrnidae sharks: a preliminary study. Zoomorphology, 136(3), 359–364
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Comparative anatomy of the extraocular muscles in four Myliobatoidei rays (Batoidea, Myliobatiformes). Journal of Anatomy, 228(5), 877–886
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Ecomorphology of oral papillae and denticles of Zapteryx brevirostris (Chondrichthyes, Rhinobatidae). Zoomorphology, 135(2), 189–195
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Rangel, B.S. & Wosnic, N. & Magdanelo Leandro, R. & de Amorim, A.F. & Kfoury, J.R. & Rici, R.E.G. (2016)
Thorns and dermal denticles of skates Atlantoraja cyclophora and A. castelnaui: Microscopic features and functional implications. Microscopy Research and Technique, 79(12), 1133–1138
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Malavasi-Bruno, C.E. & Rangel, B.S. & Cardoso, F. & Salmon, T. & Rici, R.E.G. & de Amorim, A.F. & Kfoury, J.R. (2014)
Histologia do timo de embrião da raia-viola-de-focinho-curto, Zapteryx brevirostris (Müller e Henle, 1841) [Abstract]. In Libro de resúmenes IV Encuentro colombiano sobre condrictios(2014 – Medellín): 49
Poscai, A.N. & Rangel, B.S. & Malavasi-Bruno, C.E. & Salmon, T. & de Amorim, A.F. & Rici, R.E.G. & Kfoury, J.R. (2014)
Morfologia da linha lateral de embriões de tubarão-azul Prionace glauca (Linnaeus, 1758), Elasmobranchii, carcharhiniformes [Abstract]. In Libro de resúmenes IV Encuentro colombiano sobre condrictios(2014 – Medellín): 50
Malavasi-Bruno, C.E. & de Amorim, A.F. & Maria, D.A. & Will, S.E.A. & Kfoury, J.R. & Rici, R.E.G. (2014)
Potencial elétrico e funcional da membrana mitocondrial (Rodamina 123) da cartilagem da nadadeira dorsal do tubarão-azul (Prionace glauca) [Abstract]. In Libro de resúmenes IV Encuentro colombiano sobre condrictios(2014 – Medellín): 92